* The result you see on this page is an estimate of your possible earnings on the platform in up to 6 months of sales and is calculated from the analysis of similar digital products sold every day on Hotmart. The estimate depends on factors such as your dedication, knowledge, strategies, variations in the market, etc.
Hotmart does not guarantee or promise, in any way, that you will obtain the amounts shown in the calculator, which is only an average of possible results, calculated based on niche products similar to the one you proposed.
2. Create your product with the help of our tool.
3. Choose a product format. There are more than 10 types available!
4. Upload your content and finish the product registration.
5. Done! Once your product is available on the platform, you can start making your first sales.
Here's a tip: check out the Hotmart Affiliate Market and activate it to have thousands of people promoting your product in exchange for sale commissions. And it's all automated!
Learn all about copywriting, running ad campaigns, and paid traffic to start making sales.
Valuable knowledge in text or video, you choose! Simple strategies to put into practice today!
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Subscribing to different services on different platforms is a waste of your time and money. With Hotmart's integrated tools, you're free to focus on what matters: your students and customers!
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“Hotmart is the digital platform that helped us bring digital content to our market. We have an intuitive and agile space to host content, as well as a secure e-commerce environment.”
Débora Alcantara Orna Group
"I chose Hotmart for their solid work. They're all over the world. And the fact that people use it globally makes us feel very safe. The main benefits for me are the maturity of the platform and the experience shared by other players who have joined Hotmart."
Phillipe Soares Ih, Aprendi
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